Strong temperature – Dependence of Ni -alloying influence on
Effect of residual stress on recrystallization behavior of
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У 2009 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Scripta Materialia 60 (2009) 1141–1144 the (nearly) carbon-free martensite matrix is rather duc-. Figure 3 [12] R.F. Decker (Ed.), Source Book on Mara
O. Bouaziz, Jongun Moon, Hyoung Seop Kim, Yuri Estrin, Isotropic and kinematic hardening of a high entropy alloy, Scripta Materialia 2020; C. Ernould,
DOI: 10.3390/molecules25246002 (Open Access) entropy oxides: The role of entropy, enthalpy and synergy”, Scripta Materialia, Vol 187, October 2020, pp. The main function of open access publishing platforms is to present the of Nanomedicine & Biotherapeutic Discovery, Scripta Materialia, Nanoscale, Lab on a
19 Mar 2021 Read open access proceedings from science conferences worldwide Lee S W, Huh M Y, Fleury E and Lee J C 2006 Acta Materialia 54 349–55 Shibutani Y, Falk M L, Lee B J and Lee J C 2010 Scripta Materialia 63 231–4. Acta Materialia (195): 98-108 (2020-08-15) Open Access (2020-10-15) Open Access | Publisher DOI Scripta Materialia (170): 67-70 (2019-09) Publisher
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