Allantoin, a naturally soothing substance, is the other main ingredient. The nozzle-control spray makes application to any size or type of pet easy. Aloe Veterinary Formula can provide quick and soothing relief. Aloe Veterinary Formula is made with stabilized Aloe Vera gel as its primary ingredient and is ideally suited for external skin problems. Allantoin, a naturally soothing substance, is the other main ingredient.

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Il pratico spray facilita l’applicazione del prodotto sia sugli animali di taglia grossa che su quelli di taglia piccola. I Aloe Veterinary Formula er vores egen Aloe vera hovedingrediensen, udvalgt for sine hudplejende, blødgørende og fugtbevarende egenskaber. Indeholder også blødgørende sojaolie, beroligende allantoin og glycerin, det virker beskyttende på huden, men også plejer pels og hår. Køb produkter Forevers produkter sælges eksklusivt via vores forhandlere.

The main ingredient in Aloe Veterinary Formula is stabilized aloe vera gel. People have long regarded the soothing power of aloe vera’s inner leaf gel. Aloe Veterinary Formula is made with stabilized Aloe Vera gel as its primary ingredient and is ideally suited for external skin problems.

Aloe vera veterinary formula spray

Aloe Veterinary Formula is made with stabi-lized aloe vera gel as its primary ingredient, and is ideally suited for external skin problems. Allantoin, a naturally soothing substance, is the other main ingredient. The nozzle-control spray makes application to any size or type of pet easy. Aloe Veterinary Formula can provide quick and soothing relief. Aloe Vera Veterinary Formula. Aloe Veterinary Formula is made with stabilised aloe vera gel as its primary ingredient and is ideally suited for external skin problems.

Aloe vera veterinary formula spray

Sprayen är också välgörande för torr hud, päls, tassar, spenar, hovar, man och svans och den kan användas vid omläggning av öm hud.
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The nozzle-control spray makes application to any size or type of pet easy. Aloe Veterinary Formula can provide quick and soothing relief. Aloe Veterinary Formula is made with stabilized aloe vera gel as its primary ingredient, and is ideally suited for external skin problems.

Du kan bestille små sprayflasker til Aloe First ved at skrive til info@aloeveraforever.dk eller kontakte mig på 23 30 71 99. En lille Aloe First sprayflaske (uden indhold), der rummer 75 ml, koster kr. 15,-.
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Aloe Veterinary Formula is made with stabilized Aloe Vera gel as its primary ingredient and is ideally suited for external skin problems. Allantoin, a naturally soothing substance, is the other main ingredient. The nozzle-control spray makes application to any size or type of pet easy. Aloe Veterinary Formula can provide quick and soothing relief.