Tips för Stata Richard Öhrvall


Biblia, that är, hela then Helga Skrifft paa Swenska, med

isid x1 x2 x3; The duplicates command can list and flag duplicate observations. The list subcommand lists the duplicate observations: . duplicates list x1 x2 x3 So, if I have, e.g. 100 unique IDs, but for each ID it gets repeated multiple times (as shown above) and I want to figure out how many of my unique IDs satisfy some criterion (e.g.

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codebook is a great command in Stata. It describes data contents but also simply identifies unique values sysuse auto, clear codebook mpg, compact Number of unique values of mpg is 21. dups id, unique key(id) group by: id groups formed: 1 groups of duplicate observations: _group _count id 1 3 18 unique observations: _group _count id 1 1 191 2 1 171 3 1 147 4 1 26 5 1 22 An option called terse can be added to get summary information on duplicates. Dear Stata community, I am using Stata 13.1 to analyze survey data. I have discovered that some individuals have taken my survey twice or three times.

Biblia, that är, hela then Helga Skrifft paa Swenska, med

This document briefly summarizes Stata commands useful in ECON-4570 varlist See summary information separately for each group of unique egen useIt = tag(state year) A variable equal to 1 in a single observation for each state- yea 4 Jan 2016 before a command, Stata will first break up the data set up into one group for each value of the by variable (or each unique combination of the  First, we read in that dataset, sort by that variable, and then we tag the first observation within each distinct group. . sysuse auto, clear .

Stata tag unique

stata företag - Pressmeddelanden från företag i Sverige - Mynewsdesk

I am able to identify these with the duplicates command and tag them having identified a group of variables which in combination should be unique for each unique respondent. I would like to go a bysort A B C : gen tag = _n == 1 tags the first occurrence of duplicates of A B C as 1 and all others as 0.

Stata tag unique

* distinct households egen tag_hh = tag(hhid) count if tag_hh local n_hh = r(N) egen tag = tag(hhid s11211) bysort s11211 tag: gen freq = _N gen mean = string(freq/`n_hh', "%4.3f") tabdisp s11211 if tag, c(freq mean) ----- s11211 | freq mean -----+----- Buyer | 7 0.117 Collection trader | 16 0.267 Cooperative | 15 0.250 Market | 3 0.050 Middlemen | 6 0.100 Processing plant in town | 1 0.017 SHG | 1 0.017 Target crops are not sold. | 1 0.017 Trader | 19 0.317 VFC | 6 0.100 ----- In the dataset, the variable id is the unique case identifier. To add the duplicate observations, we sort the data by id, then duplicate the first five observations (id = 1 to 5). This leads to 195 unique and 5 duplicated observations in the dataset. Thus unique observations are tagged with value 0, and all duplicate observations are tagged with values greater than 0. For checking double data entry, in which you expect just one surplus copy for each individual record, you can generate a tag variable and then look at observations with tag not equal to 1 because both unique observations Count unique values in Stata. codebook is a great command in Stata.
Apotea enervit

| 1 0.017 Trader | 19 0.317 VFC | 6 0.100 ----- In the dataset, the variable id is the unique case identifier. To add the duplicate observations, we sort the data by id, then duplicate the first five observations (id = 1 to 5). This leads to 195 unique and 5 duplicated observations in the dataset. Thus unique observations are tagged with value 0, and all duplicate observations are tagged with values greater than 0.

bysort ida (date): gen snum = _n 'tab snum' tell me how many individuals have had at least 1 or 2 or 3 scans but I don't know how many people have had exactly 1 or 2 or 3 scans. 1 Intro/Note on Notation. Coding in Python is a little different than coding in Stata. In Stata, you have one dataset in memory.
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I have two variables ( villageid ( unique id's for different communities) and attendance( this has values like 1,2,3 or 4). I need to find duplicate enteries for villageid's for each attendance value, if they exist. Is there a way I can tag them ? Best Our nickname for all the ways you can connect Python and Stata is ‘PyStata‘. For Java, you could already compile Java code into .jar files and call those as plugins from Stata. Now you can embed Java code directly in your Stata do-files and ado-files, just like Mata code and Python code.