13 Jul 2017 The trade mark application in question was filed on 09 June 2017 at the US Patents and Trade Mark Office (USPTO) and covered the following  18 Aug 2017 According to the Los Angeles Times, earlier this year Simmons, whose KISS nickname is the Demon, filed an application with the U.S. Patent and  19 июн 2017 Симмонс заявил, что жест "коза" или "рога дьявола", известный всем что музыканту не удастся получить патент, например потому, что ранее на " Although Gene Simmons will tell you that he inven Marka, Patent, Tasarım ve Faydalı Model Tescil Hizmetleri. info@dispatent.com.tr · TR · EN · Marka Tescil ve Patent Tescil gene-simmons-kiss-devil-horns  16 Jun 2017 Simmons recently filed an application with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to trademark the hand signal metalheads have been rocking out  16 Jun 2017 Gene Simmons, the co-lead singer of American rock band Kiss, has and is awaiting a response from the US Patent and Trademark Office. 15 Jun 2017 The Hollywood Reporter reports, the Kiss frontman has applied to the United States Patent and TradeMark Office to make the sign his own, as if  15 Jun 2017 Kiss frontman has filed an application to the US Patent and Trademark Office. 15 Jun 2017 Kiss frontman Gene Simmons recently filed an application wit the US Patent and Trademark Office, seeking to trademark the 'rock and roll'  Discover Me, Inc. as it's meant to be heard, narrated by Gene Simmons, John Varvatos.

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Gene har tidigare beskrivit sin fru som "sin Jesus". – I 29 år gjorde jag det som ni kan tänka er att män gör i ett band och det är intressant hur arrogant – intressant är inte det rätta ordet men jag sårade min familj, jag sårade mina barn, min mamma var inte stolt över det, sa Simmons i det amerikanska tv-programmet. 15 Jun 2017 Gene Simmons filed an application with the U.S. Patent and Trademark office to trademark the hand gesture. The Kiss frontman claims he  18 Aug 2017 KISS' Gene Simmons says he can do “anything he wants to do” when it comes to his much-maligned attempt to trademark the famed “rock on”  14 Jun 2017 Gene Simmons is attempting to trademark a hand gesture. The Kiss frontman has filed an application with the United States Patent and  14 Jun 2017 Kiss frontman Gene Simmons is awaiting the signal from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office after he filed an application Friday for a  Gene Simmons has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have   22 Jun 2017 Gene Simmons has withdrawn his application to trademark the hand gesture commonly known as the “devil horns” or “metal horns,” less than  22 Jun 2017 Kiss, rock, hand gesture, devil horns, trademark, trademark application, USPTO, US Patent and Trademark Office, Gene Simmons,.

Simmons' signed declaration, which included a hand-drawing of the symbol, included the rock legend's claim that he first used the gesture on Nov. 14, 1974, during KISS's "Hotter Than Hell" tour. The Kiss frontman has filed an application with the United States Patent and TradeMark Office to mark the sign of the horns hand movement (seen above) as his own, according to The Hollywood Gene Simmons has filed paperwork with the US Patent and Trademark Office claiming that he was the first person to use the devil horns hand gesture.

Gene simmons patent

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Gene simmons patent

There is no other explanation. Gene, this is pathetic, even for you.DROP A DONATION, IT HELPS MASSIVELY https://www.paypal.me/coverkillernatoon Support CKN's You've got to be kidding me. Gene Simmons is kissing his longtime home goodbye, listing the Beverly Hills mansion for $22 million.
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En något skruvad version av deras dagliga liv kan följas i TV-serien Gene Simmons familjejuveler. Diskografi Gene Simmons vil ta patent på denne rocke-gesten. Kiss-vokalist Gene Simmons har sendt søknad for å varemerke håndgest. Gene Simmons co-founded KISS 40 years ago.

2018-01-12 2017-06-22 2021-03-19 I am a huge Kiss fan and over the years I have seen interviews and read in books/articles that Gene owns the patents for the term "axe" meaning guitar and the money bag symbol made famous from the GENE SIMMONS: 'If I Could, I Would Trademark The Air You Breathe' September 18, 2017 0 Comments Gene Simmons has once again defended his attempt to trademark the so-called "devil's horns" hand with Gene Simmons, rather than merely as a surname of any individual identified by that name. SIMMONS is a very common surname.
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gene simmons patent videos and latest news articles; GlobalNews.ca your source for the latest news on gene simmons patent . Gene Simmons Wants To Trademark Hand Gesture Kiss frontman Gene Simmons is trying to get a trademark for the hand sign with index and pinkie fingers up and thumb out. In sign language it means, "I Gene Simmons använder varken droger eller dricker alkohol. Han har två barn, en son född 1989 och en dotter född 1992, båda tillsammans med skådespelaren och fotomodellen Shannon Tweed. En något skruvad version av deras dagliga liv kan följas i TV-serien Gene Simmons familjejuveler. Diskografi Gene Simmons vil ta patent på denne rocke-gesten.