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Rocking star farm original post. Here is another very common problem with the hairy legged horses. The more feather the horse  A scurfy eruption in the bend of the knee of the foreleg of a horse. See alsoEdit · sallenders. Part or all of this entry  (Veterinary Science) (functioning as singular) a disease of horses characterized by an eczematous inflammation behind the knee. [C15: via Old French from  Veterinary Diseasesa dry, scabby or scurfy eruption or scratch behind the knee in a horse's foreleg.

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Sallenders and Mallenders can become extremely uncomfortable for your horse and if left untreated can cause secondary fungal and bacterial infections that lead to lameness. The cause of Sallenders and Mallenders is the overproduction of keratin, the building block … Mallenders – an old-fashioned term for cracks in the skin behind the horse’s knee (see the photo) – are becoming more and more common, particularly in horses with feathers such as some cobs and heavy horses. (If they are on the front of the hocks, they’re … Mallenders refers to this skin condition on the front legs, and sallenders is the same condition but affects the rear legs.

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Mallanders occurs behind the knees on the front leg while Sallanders occurs in front of the hock on the hind legs. The problem occurs most commonly in draft or heavy breeds and horses with feather and is caused by excessive What does malanders mean?
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“Mallenders and Sallenders presents as an accumulation of thickened, crusted scale and scabs on the front and hind legs of horses. Mallanders occurs behind the knees on the front leg while Sallanders occurs in front of the hock on the hind legs. The problem occurs most commonly in draft or heavy breeds and horses with feather.