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Döm ciklider - Convict cichlid -

Central American cichlid expert Juan Miguel Artigas Azas explains how to keep the undescribed Honduran red point, a close relative of the Convict cichlid, Amatitlania nigrofasciata. Ever since this fish was discovered in early 1989 in the Rio Danli and some other places in Honduras by Rusty Wessel, Ross Socolof, Harry Spetch and Tom Grimshaw, they thought they were dealing with a different fish. Breeding: Cryptoheros sp. 'honduran red point' (Blue Convicts cichlid) is to breed although not as easy as the black convict cichlid. The eggs are laid on a flat surface.

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Cryptoheros sp. Honduran red point - 3.5-4 cm. 12,95 €. TTC. Quantité. Ajouter au panier. En stock. Subscribe to when in stock.

Nyheter i lager – Nols Ciklidhobby

When I first got “Honduran Red Point” #cichlids #cichlidsofinstagram #centralamericancichlids  AC034-0, Amatitlania "Honduras Red Point"", 3,5-4. AC034- AC582-1, Cryptoheros cutteri, 4-5 AF259-0, Haplochromis "Hippo Point Salmon"", 3,5-4. "honduras red point", Honduras red point, blå zebraciklid, 13, 21-26, 120, 200, 7 - 8 Cryptoheros spilurus, Tigerciklid, blåögonciklid, 12, 20-29, 80, 120, 6.5 - 8. 9 714 Cryptoheros honduras red point, 4st 713 Cryptoheros honduras red point,4st 352 Cryptoheros nanoluteus, 1 par 353 Cryptoheros nanoluteus, 1 par 354  'Honduras Red Point' Zebrabuntbarsch.

Cryptoheros honduran red point

#Amatitlaniananolutea Instagram posts -

Honduras [ 1 ] ou Cryptoheros sp. "Honduran red point" [ 2 ] , [ 3 ] est une espèce de poissons de la famille des cichlidae et de l' ordre des Perciformes . Jun 10, 2018 - Flickr photos, groups, and tags related to the "cryptoheros" Flickr tag. Hallo zusammen, wie ist eigentlich der aktuelle Sachstand bzgl. Cryptoheros sp. "Honduran Red Point" - handelt es sich um eine reine Art, oder um eine Kreuzung?

Cryptoheros honduran red point

Species name: Cryptoheros sp. 'honduran red point'. Synonym: Cryptoheros sp.
Dubbelt efternamn vilken ordning

Breeding: Cryptoheros sp. 'honduran red point' (Blue Convicts cichlid) is to breed although not as easy as the black convict cichlid.

Cryptoheros honduran red point

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Peder Kratz · AMERIKAN CICHLID  Cryptoheros Red Point Honduras 5-7cm Mycket ovanlig numera!! Pelviachromis sacrimontis VF. 7-9cm. Cichla Kelberi F1 7-9cm (beställd fisk) Honduras Red Point Convict sträcker sig från Atlanten Honduras söderut Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum , Cryptoheros nigrofasciatus och Heros  Utbredning Länder | FAO områden | Ekosystem | Förekomster | Point map | Utplanteringar | Faunafri. North America: Honduras and Guatemala. 1:19. Náš úspěšný odchov Chromidotilapia guentheri. för 5 år sedan.